
MSWG Weekly Newsletter 27 October 2023 (English)

Stock-based compensation such as ESOS is widely used to reward, motivate and retain directors and employees for their contributions to a company's performance. Proponents believe stock options can effectively align the interests of managers, employees and shareholders.

At the same time, opponents argue that the mechanism of ESOS is flawed and highly contentious. They argue that executives can make a fortune from options when shares go up in value, but executives are not worse off when share prices fall as they can choose not to exercise the options.

MSWG Weekly Newsletter 13 October 2023 (English)

As some global headwinds subside, the environment, social and governance (ESG) space could regain interest among fund managers as a focal investment point.

Domestically, the renewable energy (RE) space is seeing unprecedented rapid development and news flow with clarity emerging on how industry players plan to achieve their net-zero carbon goals while also actively working to attract more foreign direct investments (FDIs) to develop the RE industry.

MSWG Weekly Newsletter 06 October 2023 (English)

Timely material information disclosure

Bursa Malaysia Securities recently publicly reprimanded a listed company and imposed fines on some directors for breaches of listing requirements over the Company’s reply to a UMA query on some contracts and acquisitions.

The Company had denied knowledge of the negotiation on proposed acquisitions upon a UMA query from Bursa. This was despite the proposed acquisitions having been approved in principle by the Board two weeks before the UMA query.

Subsequently, approximately two weeks after the UMA response, the Company announced a memorandum of collaboration to undertake contracts and proposed acquisitions.