
MSWG Weekly Newsletter 8 December 2023 (English)

Financial or accounting ratios are the relative magnitude of two selected numerical values from an enterprise's financial statements. These standard ratios are used by managers, shareholders, investors and stakeholders to evaluate the overall financial condition of a firm.

This week, we are going to discuss five useful financial ratios to evaluate the financial performance of companies, and we may have seen these ratios in the annual reports of public listed companies (PLCs).

MSWG Weekly Newsletter 1 December2023 (English)

Warren Buffett is a master storyteller. You can learn a lot about investing and life lessons from his annual letters to shareholders, annual general meetings, and articles. But do you remember most of them? Probably not.

How about his quotes? Highly likely. This is because they are memorable, short and powerful sentences.

In this article, I will try to distil the main pillars of Buffett’s investing philosophy using a dozen of his everlasting quotes.