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In its continuing efforts to elevate Malaysia’s corporate governance level, MSWG continues to undertake the assessment of the corporate governance disclosures and practices of Malaysian-Listed Companies using the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard. The Scorecard adopts the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance as its main benchmark.

The findings and the results of MSWG’s assessment are compiled in the Malaysia-ASEAN Corporate Governance Report. Listed Companies that have adhered to high standards of CG are recognised in the MSWG-ASEAN CG Awards Presentation which will be held on Wednesday, 31 July 2019 at the Majestics Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

All public listed companies are welcome to witness the recognition of the Listed Companies which have achieved excellence in their CG structures, processes and disclosures. The findings of the Malaysia-ASEAN Corporate Governance Report, which will be launched that night, will provide an insight into the CG practices of Public Listed Companies in Malaysia.

For further enquiries, please call us at 03-2070 9090.

Event  Programme for the night:-